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Ecotourism: A natural campsite in Morbihan, a laboratory for sustainable development for different holidays


Our location in a natural area and the Regional Park of the Morbihan Gulf can only inspire us to preserve it. This is how our individual actions are combined with a respectful approach to sustainable development recorded in our management plan for sustainable development. We are pleased to discover this place which combines in perfect harmony, fauna, flora and our equipment.


The commitments of our campsite for the environment have been materialized by local recognitions, European and international.
Green Globe recertification in 2014
Municipal and departmental floral Award 2012
Green Globe Certification (first campsite in the world) in 2012

Green Globe is an international certification for the travel and tourism
sustainable best known in the world.
Green Globe tourism organizations to help progress on the economic,
environmentally and socially sustainable development, while being rewarded and
recognized for it. Certification includes up to 41 basic criteria
Required supported by 337 compliance indicators.
Founded in 1993 in the UK, following the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, the
International certification applies to all businesses and organizations
tourism: tourist accommodation, tour operators, convention centers and seminars
transportation, amusement parks, visit sites, spas ...

To date, 380 organizations are certified Green Globe, 34
in France (metropolitan France and the dom / tom).
Municipal and departmental floral 2011 Price
Innovation Trophy in 2011: by the ICC of Morbihan Category Hospitality / Tourism
Brand Britain in 2011 awarded by Brittany (first campsite to wear this brand)

European Ecolabel in 2010 (the first campsite in Brittany): the European Ecolabel rewards companies that act to limit their impact on the environment: water management and energy, waste management, and actions for the environment are the three pillars of this very demanding label. The EU Ecolabel is the only official European label to promote more environmentally friendly services while guaranteeing the performance and benefits identical to those of similar services. It is based on a multi-criteria approach, all environmental impacts were studied at each stage of the life cycle of the service including purchases of producing services, use of service facilities, waste management from services provided. The label consists of 30 required criteria and 47 optional. These aim to limit the main environmental impacts of the three phases of the life cycle of the service. Specifically they attach to: reduce energy consumption, limit the consumption of water, limit waste production, promote the use of renewable resources and less hazardous to the environment, promote communication and environmental education.


Camp Quality and tourism Quality in 2010
Municipal and departmental prices of flowering in 2010

The Green Key label in 2009: Staying in a 'Green Key'-labeled establishment is both have the assurance of a protected environment at his place of residence, and it's also inspire more respectful environmental practices in the sector tourism. Labeling virtuous ecological tourism establishments environmentally corresponds to a strong performance in terms of awareness and advocacy on ecology. That is why France is developing this program for over 10 years, always with the primary objective to develop environmental education to the greatest number, the host laureate label then being over this awareness among its customers and employees. According to a TNS Sofres 2008 study, 86% of French need a label to identify products and offers environmentally.

Eco tourism in Morbihan Trophy in 2008 in the "ecology in the economy," the diploma awarded to players involved in sustainable development approach. This one is part of the daily life of these institutions. These have at heart to share with you their convictions and your entertainment and activities environmentally friendly. Will be our pleasure to share with you our values, explain our approach and to visit our facilities.


Our ecological campsite continues its consistent installation with nature.
So, may be soon... for a NATURE adventure

      camping 2 étoiles     MorbihanMorbihan tourisme     Morbihan Tourisme Responsable   region bretagne  vannes                      clef verte   green globe  gites de france ecolabel européen